
Advancing innovation & growth in Maine’s food, agriculture, & aquaculture ecosystem.

What to Expect

FoodTech Maine is the Maine Center for Entrepreneur’s (MCE) newest business accelerator focused on driving growth and innovation in Maine’s food, agriculture, and aquaculture ecosystem. The FoodTech Maine program leverages technology solutions to improve efficiency, sustainability, and quality in the food industry and improve the taste and nutritional benefits of food and beverage products. 

FoodTech Maine connects and fosters collaboration among early-stage and mid-sized companies, that are innovating and developing AgriFood industry services or products, to commercialize and scale their businesses and grow this industry in Maine. The program provides resources, expertise, and networking opportunities to enable participating companies to thrive and contribute to Maine’s robust FoodTech ecosystem.

Maine’s long history as a center for high-quality food and beverage production and innovation has positioned the state to play a more prominent role in this fast-growing niche industry.


We are actively recruiting our second cohort, to launch in 2024. Fill out the Contact Us form or email the FoodTech Maine team to learn more: foodtech@mced.biz


Applicants should be Maine-based, growth-driven companies with a product or service that utilizes technology, innovation, or science to improve the food value chain. Possible applications include: 

  • Food Production & Harvest
  • Agriculture Tech
  • Aquaculture Tech
  • Food Processing & Value Add
  • Food Safety & Traceability
  • Sustainable Packaging
  • Ingredient Supply
  • Sales & Distribution
  • Digital Products and Automation
  • Next-Gen Food & Drink
  • Consumer Apps & Services
  • Surplus & Waste Management

Participants in the program are competitively selected scalable companies. Applicants are required to undergo an intense application process, followed by an in-depth interview. All ages and experience levels are welcome to apply.

Fundamental Program Elements

Customized support and coaching from MCE’s extensive network of local, national, and global experts.

Immersive education through tailored learning sessions on topics including, but not limited to, business planning, development, management, commercialization, branding, and fundraising.

Inclusion in a community of entrepreneurial business leaders and innovative companies.

Exposure and networking opportunities with fundraising & investor connections.

Access to valuable information, market data, and resources to effectively reach your target market and grow your business.

FoodTech program and Showcase Event to highlight cohort companies and increase visibility to attract investors, partners, and customers.  Experience the inaugural FoodTech Showcase HERE

Cohort 1 Results

The FoodTech Maine program was launched in September 2023. To date, one cohort of 7
companies has participated in the program and we are currently onboarding a second cohort
who will complete the program in November 2024.

“The FoodTech program was a fantastic experience! It provided a much-needed reset, offering
fresh perspectives on our operations and how our company is viewed externally. Managing daily
challenges often narrows our focus, but this program helped us frame our operations within a
broader context.”

Christoper Campbell, Maine Cap n’ Stem

“Hearing lessons learned from startup executives who have successfully navigated similar
challenges was invaluable. With the encouragement, support, and guidance from the FoodTech
Maine program, we have fine-tuned our business strategy based on our strengths, finalized our
marketing plan, and created multiple viable opportunities for raising investment to fuel our

Veronica Achorn, Salmonics

Program Participants

Program Investment

The FoodTech Maine program offers remarkable value to businesses looking to scale and grow, and at an affordable price. Through the support of MCE’s generous sponsors, we offer this 6-month program at a reduced cost of $750 per company.

Learn More

Email the FoodTech Maine team to learn more: foodtech@mced.biz